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SQL Script Command Line Arguments

Is there a way to get a script file that will be executing via SQLCMD to accept the parms passed in the SQLCMD call..


SQLCMD (assume the connection is OK..) -V "1/25/2012" -i "ScriptFile.sql"

What would the structure of ScriptFile.sql Look like? Would it start with the same as any other procedure..?

Basically I'm trying to call a text file script with parameters as an SQL command. So far I haven't been able to find any MSDN articles on this one.


  • OK.. If anyone cares, it Goes Like This...

    The SQL Script file which is using the variable uses the variable like so:

    Update TableName Set ColumnValue=$(Param) 

    --Notice there's no declare, and the format of the parameter uses
    $(Param) instead of @Param as a variable...

    The Command line looks almost the same. For some reason, the passed value needs to be in single quotes within double quotes, like so:

    SQLCMD -S ServerName -d DatabaseName -v Param="'Param'" -i"ScriptFile.sql" 

    Use just double quotes around the ScriptFile name, Single within Double for the Parameters.