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Is there an official statement of when MathML will be available on the iPhone/iPad?

Everything I have found online shows rumours that WebKit development of MathML support is coming soon. Does anyone know where I might find an official statement of this work, and when (from an official source) this will happen? Thank you.


  • I am an unofficial volunteer, but I've been working on the WebKit MathML implementation for the last couple of months. I just tested MathML in the released version of Safari on an iPad 2 and it's turned on. I assume this is also true on the iPhone, but not yet in Google Chrome or presumably the Android browser. There are still a lot of layout bugs even in basic MathML in WebKit, but I and perhaps others are working on them. I don't think you'll find any official statement anywhere from Apple or Google or WebKit (if you do, please let me know!). WebKit seems to be a classic democratic (anarchic?) open source project, albeit one that is supported by some of the world's largest companies, and that benefits or will benefit literally billion(s) of people. It's pretty cool to be contributing to it, I must say. For more info, you might check out:

    If anyone wants to contribute e.g. by reporting some new MathML layout bugs, it'll help focus our (my) work and increase the speed with which MathML patches get reviewed and checked in to WebKit. As I say, it feels great to have a chance to help so many people - I recommend it.