Hello I have the next problem, I want to render the html of my display value in a combobox, at the moment I load a store with the html ready, it renders the html when I show all of them, but when I select one, it show the html.
What can I do to render the html when the item is already selected?
Here are some images to help to explain the inconvenient:
This is when Im going to select one
This is when I select one
The Html that I'm rendering is the next one:
<img class="io_img" src="/files/images/io-P.gif"/><div class="io_desc">hola</div></div>
Thanks in advance.
PD: Sorry to no show the images, and just the links, but I don't have enough reputation to show images directly .
This require few steps. Problem is that ComboBox
has input field underneath, and inputs can't display html. So first step is to change template which replace input with div. Eg:
fieldSubTpl: [
'<div class="{hiddenDataCls}" role="presentation"></div>',
'<div id="{id}" type="{type}" ',
'<tpl if="size">size="{size}" </tpl>',
'<tpl if="tabIdx">tabIndex="{tabIdx}" </tpl>',
'class="{fieldCls} {typeCls}" autocomplete="off"></div>',
'<div id="{cmpId}-triggerWrap" class="{triggerWrapCls}" role="presentation">',
'<div class="{clearCls}" role="presentation"></div>',
compiled: true,
disableFormats: true
Then change template which shows selected value:
displayTpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate', [
'<tpl for=".">',
'<img src="http://phpbb3.pl/adm/images/icon_edit.gif" />',
'{[typeof values === "string" ? values : values["title"]]}',
Another thing is to create new list-item template. Eg:
listConfig: {
getInnerTpl: function() {
return '<div class="search-item">' +
'<h3><img src="http://phpbb3.pl/adm/images/icon_edit.gif" /><span>{[Ext.Date.format(values.lastPost, "M j, Y")]}<br />by {author}</span>{title}</h3>' +
'{excerpt}' +
And the last thing - you must ensure that the value is set correctly into div. For that you should override setRawValue
setRawValue: function(value) {
var me = this;
value = Ext.value(value, '');
me.rawValue = value;
// Some Field subclasses may not render an inputEl
if (me.inputEl) {
// me.inputEl.dom.value = value;
// use innerHTML
me.inputEl.dom.innerHTML = value;
return value;
Notice that new template doesn't contain any input
field, so value will not be submited. If you need use such combo with form, you should add hidden input somewhere in fieldSubTpl
and set value for it in setRawValue
Working sample: http://jsfiddle.net/lolo/8Xs5h/1/