The table:
hDate Holiday
17/12/2011 National Day
01/01/2012 New Year
From the table, i want to find the total number of holidays between two dates:
A query like:
select count(hdate)
from table1
where hdate between '" & start_date & "' and '" & end_date & "'
User input:
start_date = '16/12/2011'
end_date = '15/01/2012'
and also I want to find the friday between 2 dates.
For finding fridays, how to create a query?
Expected output:
Holiday Friday
2 5
[2] - 2 days holiday from table1, [5] - 5 days friday
How to do this?
This counts the fridays between 2 dates:
declare @from datetime= '2012-01-26'
declare @to datetime = '2012-01-28'
select datediff(day, -3, @to)/7-datediff(day, -2, @from)/7
The holidays are easy to find, it seems like you have that part covered already.
I sort of answered this earlier. But didn't get any credit:
How to calculate the number of "Tuesdays" between two dates in TSQL?