I'm looking for a method that let's me validate code and generator code as part of the build process, using Visual Studio 2010 (not express) and MSBuild.
I'm writing a RESTful web service using the WCF Web Api. Inside the service class that represents the web service I have to define an endpoint, declaring additionally parameters as plain test. When the parameter name inside the endpoint declaration differs from the parameter of the C# method I get a error - unfortunately at run time when accessing the web service, not at compile time. So I thought it would be nice to analyze the web service class as part of the compile step for flaws like this, returning an error when something is not right.
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "Endpoint/{param1}/{param2}")]
public string MyMethod(string param1, string parameter2) {
// Accessing the web service now will result in an error,
// as there's no fitting method-parameter named "param2".
Also I'd like to enforce some naming rules, such as GET-Methods must start with the "Get" word. I believe this will help the service to remain much more maintainable when working with several colleagues.
I will be using this REST web service in a few other projects, there for I need to write a client to access this service. But I don't want to write a client for each of these, always adjusting whenever the service changes. I'd like the clients to be generated automatically, based upon the web service code files.
So far I tried to use a T4 template using the DTE interface to parse the code file and validate it, or generate the client. This worked fine in Visual Studio when saving manually, but integrating this in the build process turned out to be not so working well, as the Visual Studio host is not available using MSBuild.
Any suggestion is welcome. :)
Instead of using DTE or some other means to parse the C# code you could use reflection (with Reflection-Only context) to examine the assembly after it's compiled. Using reflection is a more robust solution and probably faster also (especially if you use Mono.Cecil to do the reflecting).
For the MSBuild integration I would recommend writing a custom MSBuild task - it's fairly easy and more robust/elegant than writing a command line utility that's executed by MSBuild.