Say I have a WCF app hosted in IIS. And in that app I run this line of code:
Console.WriteLine("Testing, testing 1 2 3");
Where will that be written to? Or is it ignored and just lost?
Is there someway to capture it when needed?
Nowhere. More specifically:
, which is defined as "A Stream with no backing store.". All the methods do nothing or return nothing. It is an internal class toStream
. The following code is taken from Microsoft's source code.Basically, when one of the
write methods is call the first time, a call is made to the Windows API functionGetStdHandle
for "standard output". If no handle is returned aNullStream
is created and used.
quoted from here:
actually, the same answer goes to on to address the second part of your question too:
To actually redirect Console output, regardless of the project type, use
Console.SetOut(New System.IO.StreamWriter("C:\ConsoleOutput.txt")),