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API Design for Timeouts: TimeoutException or boolean return with out parameter?

The scenario is RPC over message queues - since the underlying mechanism is asynchronous, clients should specify how long they want to wait for a response before timing out. As the client, which of these two code snippets would you rather use?

Most importantly: as a user of the GetResponseTo() method, why would you prefer one over the other? How does your choice make your code more extensible, more readable, more testable, etc?

    IEvent response = _eventMgr.GetResponseTo(myRequest, myTimeSpan);
    // I have my response!
catch(TimeoutException te)
    // I didn't get a response to 'myRequest' within 'myTimeSpan'


IEvent myResponse = null;

if (_eventMgr.GetResponseTo(myRequest, myTimeSpan, out myResponse)
    // I got a response!
    // I didn't get a response... :(

For your information, here's the current implementation of GetResponseTo():

public IEvent GetResponseTo(IEvent request, TimeSpan timeout)
    if (null == request) { throw new ArgumentNullException("request"); }

    // create an interceptor for the request
    IEventInterceptor interceptor = new EventInterceptor(request, timeout);

    // tell the dispatcher to watch for a response to this request

    // send the request

    // block this thread while we wait for a response.  If the timeout elapses,
    // this will throw a TimeoutException

    // return the intercepted response
    return interceptor.Response;


  • I have elected to use the out parameter.

    I wanted to mark someone else as the answer, but I am not able to do so. I attempted to implement the TPL-based approach, but was unable to do so, based on the question/answer that I linked in my comments.

    I do not want to muddy my event model by introducing even more concepts, as @sll suggests.

    And even though @dasheddot prefers the exception Version, @sll has a good point that someone trying to send a bunch of requests and get a bunch of responses in a loop might have to deal with a lot of exceptions.

    // potentially 10 exceptions?  meh... let's not go down this road.
    for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
         IEvent response = _eventMgr.GetResponseTo(myRequest, myTimeSpan);
         // I have my response!
      catch(TimeoutException te)
         // I didn't get a response to 'myRequest' within 'myTimeSpan'