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Generating database scripts for SQL Server database versioning

In the scope of responsible programming and versioning, I would like to start to version my database changes especially since I am developing on my database instance then moving it to production. I haven't found any thing that truly makes sense to me on how to do this. I am using Visual Studio 2010 Pro as my IDE. Is there a document that makes this process simple and able to detect changes to the database with relative ease? Or what should I change in my workflow to make this easier?


  • One way that I've successfully done this sort of thing in the past, is via Sql Source Control. Visual Studio does not offer this functionality for you.

    Alternatively, you can use SSMS to generate the Database scripts for you and save it as a file; then you can check in the script. You would chose whether you generate the whole DB script in one file or whether you do it on an object by object basis. The syncing part will have to be done by you by executing your scripts in production. In conclusion a total nightmare.

    Redgate also offers Sql Compare, which is great for syncing databases. Take a look at their products if you or your company can afford them.