I have what appears to be a hash of a hash of an array of hashes. I'm trying to pull some values out and I'm stumped (this is way deeper than I would go with a structure. It looks like this.....
%htest = (
8569 => {
4587 => [
date=> "2011-01-15",
approved=> 1,
date=> "2011-01-12",
approved=> 1,
1254 => [
date=> "2011-01-12",
approved=> "",
date=> "",
approved=> 1,
Trying to iterate over this thing is giving me a massive headache. I'm trying to access the number of elements under the second hash value (4587 and 1254). The number of those elements where approved="1" and the number of elements where the date contains a value.
If I could iterate over them I sure I could shove what I need into a less complex structure but so far I'm at a loss.
I got this far...
while (my ($id, $surveyhash) = each %{ $htest{'8569'} } ){
print "$enumid = $subhash\n";
print Dumper $subhash."\n";
That gives me the "4587" and "1254" but trying to do a dumper on $subhash just gives me....
4587 = ARRAY(0x9a9ffb0)
$VAR1 = 'ARRAY(0x9a9ffb0)
1254 = ARRAY(0x9a91788)
$VAR1 = 'ARRAY(0x9a91788)
Any idea how to iterate over this monstrosity? Janie
Your structure has typos, you need commas between the innermost hashes and a parenthesis at the end (rather than a curly bracket)
Once you fix it you can use something like this:
my $approved = 0, my $date_has_value = 0;
while ( my ($k,$vref) = each %htest ) {
while ( my ($k,$v) = each %$vref ) {
# Now you're inside the inner hash, so there will be 2 iterations
# with $k 4587 and 1254
foreach my $item (@$v) {
# Now each $item is a reference to the innermost hashes
$approved++ if $item->{approved} == 1;
$date_has_value++ if $item->{date};