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Cloning an instance of object to its base type

I have the following class:

public class AddCouponInfoRequest : namespace.Request 


I have an instance of AddCouponInfoRequest in my hand and I want to get an instance of namespace.Request with the same values.

This doesn't work fine:

namespace.Request req = (namespace.Request)request;
string xml = req.SerializeToXml();

The value of xml after serialization is:

<AddCouponInfoRequest xmlns:xsd=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">\r\n \r\n \r\n ...

I need a pure namespace.Request object. What is the best way to do this?

Thanks in advance,


  • SerializeToXml is a virtual method so it is logical it always calls the overriden method.

    You can, for example, create a new method for AddCouponInfoRequest

    string SerializeToXmlAsParent()
        return base.SerializeToXml();