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Validating the phone numbers

I want to have only 13 numeric values or the 13numeric values can be prefixed with "+" the + is not mandatory Example : 1234567891234 another example is : +1234567891234

Telephone number format should be international,Is there any Regex for phone number validation in iPhone

I have tried the above link , but this +1234545 but i want to have only 13 numarals or + can be prefixed with that 13 numerals.

Please let me know , what can i change it here

This is the code i tried

NSString * forNumeric = @"^\\+(?:[0-9] ?){6,14}[0-9]$";

    BOOL isMatch = [[textFieldRounded text] isMatchedByRegex:forNumeric];

    if (isMatch == YES){

    else {
        NSLog(@"Not matched");


  • ^(\+?)(\d{13})$ should do the trick, escape the slashes for objective-C usage. 13 digits, with an options + prefix.

    If you want to play with regexp expressions you can use services like this one for visual feedback, very handy.

    NSString * forNumeric = @"^(\\+?)(\\d{13})$";