I installed phpbb forum in my website. But there is lot of spam topics and spam post in it right now.
I went through many googling and found out that if I install a captcha module then I could prevent spam. But is there anyway I could remove spam which is already in the forum database now? I mean without using delete for each post/topic.
In phpbb admin, goto admin tab "USERS AND GROUPS", then under "User security" click prune users. Under the prune users text box is a select member link which will popup a member list. Under the member name(spammer) click select. So you can select all the spammers you want. Under the member select link are some radio buttons.
Delete pruned user posts: Removes posts made by deleted users, has no effect if users are deactivated.
Click: Yes
Deactivate or delete: Choose whether to deactivate users or delete them entirely. Please note that deleted users cannot be restored!
Click: Delete