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Pirated software at a company?

I recently had a position at a small web development shop in the US where virtually all software used on a daily basis was cracked. My own IDE was paid for, and I used open source software personally while there, but I was still required to use MS Office and various Adobe products.

For a myriad of reasons, I found a new job, but I'm curious. What does this community feel about turning in companies which condone the use of stolen software? Should I report them immediately, or just move on? It's one thing to make a personal decision to use stolen software, but what about requiring your employees to follow suit?


  • I would first approach the "powers that be" regarding this practice. If they refuse to listen, take it to the BSA or whoever handles this in your area.

    A company that sells a product expects to be paid for that product. I'm sure if the shoe were on the other foot (i.e. the company's product was being pirated) they would pursue it. It is idiocy to think you can sell product but cheat others out of theirs.