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Output Extent (Environment Setting)

I would like to know how to set up the Output extent on ArcMAP using Python.

I have a loop to Create Thiessen Polygons, but I didn't mange to change my output extent the size I want.


for i in range(3,51,1):
    arcpy.CreateThiessenPolygons_analysis("AVF%i" % i,"AVF%iVoronoi" % i,"ONLY_FID")

Thanks for your help


  • The map extent can be set through the DataFrame object. See this ESRI help page This appears to set the current extent of the data frame. I don't know if you can set the full or maximum extent of the frame.

    #use 'CURRENT' if running from arcmap, when published use MXD on disk
    mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT")
    df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd)[0]
    newExtent = df.extent
    newExtent.XMin, newExtent.YMin = 293490,5898230
    newExtent.XMax, newExtent.YMax = 316430,5930230
    df.extent = newExtent