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Ajax Push Engine (APE): How to Send Binary Data or Special Characters

This code example is from the APE official website:

var client = new APE.Client();



client.request.send('foo', {ping: 'ho hey', fieldWidthBinaryDataOrSpecialCharacters: '+/'});

client.onRaw('bar', function(raw, pipe) {
    console.log('echo : ' +;
    console.log('Receiving : ' +;

When I receive the data at the server side, I found that the special characters +/ has been URL encoded (%2B%2F).

Is APE always using GET? If we use POST, I think we can post any data including Binary data, right? But how to use POST in JSON?

My case is, even I don't use the Binary format, I have to use the Base64. But the standard Base64 uses +/ which is not URL safe. You might suggest using the URL safe version of Base64, but URLSafeBase64 is not standard and it might also create other problems.

Am I misunderstanding something?




  • I finally did two-step encoding:

    The Client Side:

    1. Base64 Encoding;

    Server Side:

    1. URL Decoding; (It seems the URL encoding is automatically done somewhere in the APE)
    2. Base64 Decoding.

    P.S.: If any one knows how to do it in a more efficient way of transferring binary data, please let me know, and I will re-mark your answer as the correct one.