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Does GAS have anything that evaluates similar to NASM's $ token?

I just started down the Assembly road, and one of the first "Hello, World!" tutorials I found, gives a nice way of psudo-dynamicly getting the length of the string to enter into the system call.

section .data
msg db 'Hello, World!",0xa
len equ $ - msg

This works great in nasm, and everything assembles, links, and runs with out question.

The problem comes when I try to find a way to do the same thing in gas.

I understand that the $ in this case is a token that evaluates to the current assembly position

Can this expression ($ - msg) be expressed in gas, or is this nasm exclusive syntactic sugar?


  • For x86, you can use "." in the same way. e.g.

        .ascii "Hello, World!"
        .byte 0xa
        .equ len, . - msg

    (Note: this is not necessarily true for other platforms. gas supports many platforms, and various aspects of syntax vary between them!)