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FoxPro "command contains unrecognized phrase keyword" run time error

Im new to foxpro and its work areas are something i dont really dont get so that`s likely where the problem is.

Basically i have a form that takes 2 .csv files and puts them into foxpro tables.

I get a run time error at the last line of this, can anyone see the problem?

web_file    = Thisform.mcFile
web_file2   = thisform.mcfile2
web_letter  = Thisform.mcLetter
web_gl      = Thisform.mcGl
web_gl2     = Thisform.mcGl2
Set Date To Dmy

Close Data

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

mcFile  = Thisform.mcFile
mcFile2 = Thisform.mcFile2

Wait Clear

If File("web_temp.dbf")
    Delete File web_temp.Dbf
Create Table web_temp (;
    email1          C(40),;
    opentime1       C(40),;
    o2idnumb1       C(10))

Select 0
USE web_temp Exclusive
Append From &web_file Delim

If File("web_temp2.dbf")
    Delete File web_temp2.Dbf
Create Table web_temp2 (;
    email           C(40),;
    opentime        C(40),;
    o2idnumb        C(10))  

Select 0
USE web_temp2 Exclusive

APPEND FROM &web_file2 Delim

Also, im not the original author, im the maintenance guy. so if things look weird its because ive been using his code without really understanding it.


  • Yup, looks like very old code but let me try to help you understand what is going on...

        */ create local memory variables (web_file, web_file2, etc) from properties
        */ that exist on the form (Thisform.mcFile, Thisform.mcFile2)  No problems here
            web_file    = Thisform.mcFile
            web_file2   = thisform.mcfile2
            web_letter  = Thisform.mcLetter
            web_gl      = Thisform.mcGl
            web_gl2     = Thisform.mcGl2
    */ If doing an import of data that is "Date" based, Foxpro will expect it in
    */ Day Month Year format, but you don't appear to be doing anything with it 
    */ during your import of CSV file
            Set Date To Dmy
    */    Close database(s) that may be open
            Close Data
            * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    */ Does the exact same as above with "web_file" and "web_file2", 
    */ so you now have two variables each with exact same values...
            mcFile  = Thisform.mcFile
            mcFile2 = Thisform.mcFile2
    */    clear the "wait" window
            Wait Clear
    */ Look to see if there is an old version of "Web_Temp.dbf", if so, 
    */ delete it and recreate it with the provided "create table" structure. 
            If File("web_temp.dbf")
                Delete File web_temp.Dbf
            Create Table web_temp (;
                email1          C(40),;
                opentime1       C(40),;
                o2idnumb1       C(10))
    */ These three lines are not needed.  When you "CREATE TABLE", you are 
    */ explicitly STARTING the file in exclusive mode, no need to close 
    */ and re-open exclusively.
            Select 0
            USE web_temp Exclusive
    */ Take the content from the file by the name found in the variable "web_file".  
    */ This could cause a problem if the file has embedded spaces in the name... 
    */ the preferred method is to use ( parens ).  The expectation of "Delim" is 
    */ that the file is comma delimited between each expected column name
            && Append From &web_file Delim
            Append from (web_file) Delim
    */ Do the same here, but for the second file going into a second 
    */ "Temp" table for processing 
            If File("web_temp2.dbf")
                Delete File web_temp2.Dbf
            Create Table web_temp2 (;
                email           C(40),;
                opentime        C(40),;
                o2idnumb        C(10))  
    */    Again, dont need this
            Select 0
            USE web_temp2 Exclusive
            && APPEND FROM &web_file2 Delim
            append from (web_file2) Delim

    Now, all that said, here is some super shortcuts for you, especially if these are in fact temporary tables that you would otherwise be "discarding" when finished...

    */ The above doesn't confirm expected files exist, so I would pre-check

    if not file( Thisform.mcFile )
       messagebox( "Sorry, the file " + Thisform.mcFile + " does not exist" )
    if not file( Thisform.mcFile2 )
       messagebox( "Sorry, the file " + Thisform.mcFile2 + " does not exist" )
    */ In case a cursor/table is already open by the name "Web_Temp", close it
    use in select( "Web_Temp" )
    */ Create a new table (temporary table that automatically 
    */ erases itself when closed when you are finished with it
    create cursor Web_Temp (;
            email1          C(40),;
            opentime1       C(40),;
            o2idnumb1       C(10))
    */ Append from the file as before
    append from ( Thisform.mcFile ) delim
    */ Go to another "work area" VFP allows up to 65535 different work areas, but if you
    */ ever needed that many tables open simultaneously, you have bigger problems.
    select 0
    */ Same here, but for your SECOND table
    use in select( "Web_Temp2" )
    Create cursor web_temp2 (;
            email           C(40),;
            opentime        C(40),;
            o2idnumb        C(10))  
    */ Append from the file as before
    append from ( Thisform.mcFile2 ) delim
    */ Done, continue with rest

    If you have a file that is underlying as hex values, they'll just be pulled-in verbatim as would be seen in a notepad editor. (or via MODIFY COMMAND NameOfTheFile) from within VFP