I'm writing an IME (soft keyboard) and I'm getting some weird behavior from one app (Android Mail). It is passing an unknown input class to my IME (via InputMethodService.onStartInputView(EditorInfo)):
EditorInfo.inputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_CLASS = 0xf
The problem is 0xf is not one of the input classes defined in EditorInfo! According to the docs the only legal values are 0x1, 0x2, 0x3 and 0x4. The ONLY text field that does this is the body field in the Android Mail app. Is this a bug in Android Mail or am I missing something?
Thanks in advance...
Something like this happened to me while I developed an IME
In my case the HTC Hero sent different input types than other devices in the default SMS application.
At the moment we realized that the HTC Hero brought it's own custom IME
so specific device logic should have been implemented.
My recommendation is the following:
handles it.