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Link to app from within xcode

Need button to link to other app in the app store. I use this...

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] 
  openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@“"]];    

it works fine in safari. From what I read if you want to link to the itunes store directly you use: itms-apps://

Whenever I do that it says invalid url. Maybe its because the app store isn’t available in the simulator? and it will only work on a device? Is there any way to test these links in the simulator?

I’m using to get the link to the app. Thanks for your input.


  • You have answered your own question here:

    Whenever I do that it says invalid url. Maybe its because the app store isn’t available in the simulator? and it will only work on a device?

    iOS Simulator doesn't have AppStore/iTunes and therefore can't open AppStore/iTunes links. But the way you do it is correct and should work without issues.