I am looking for a way to delete only certain amounts of SESSION data that is stored whilst preserving the session data associated with the user being logged on.
At the moment I am doing this by individual unset statements to the SESSION variables I want to delete.
However I was hoping there may be a more clever way to just delete a whole section of the SESSION array whilst preserving specific variables
The use case for this process would be:
User Logs In --> User performs task --> Once task is complete delete session data associated with task --> User is still logged in!
I had considered perhaps using a table in my Database monitoring logins, what are your opinions on that?
Thanks for your time!
There is no way to delete "whole section of the SESSION array whilst preserving specific variables".Instead of that you can use two dimensional array for a task and delete that array.
$_SESSION["task1"]["username"] = "name"
$_SESSION["task1"]["pass"] = "pass"
$_SESSION["task2"]["name"] = "name";
when task1 complete delete like
now $_SESSION["task2"] still exist.