I'm new in using Python - Arcmap.
I have on my map a list of layers with the nearly same name (bound3 to bound50)
I want to calculate the MinimumBoundingGeometry_management. I found out how to do it for one single layer.
Instead I'd like to create a loop like in matlab style:
for i=3:1:50
can someone give me an hint !
thanks a lot
You just have to construct the strings "boundi"
and "boundiConvexHull"
for each i.
Instead of 3:50
(in Matlab) you do xrange(3,51)
in python. The reason you go up to 51
is that xrange(n)
generates the sequence 0:(n-1)
(python is 0-based whereas matlab is 1-based).
for i in xrange(3,51):
arcpy.MinimumBoundingGeometry_management("bound%i" % i, "bound%iConvexHull" % i, ... )
I've made use of python's string formatting: "bound%i" % i
is syntactic sugar for printf-type functions that you are familiar with in matlab.
Handy links: