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Alternating row color for JasperReports

I want to get color to alternate for the rows in a JasperReports subreport. I have all rows with the same background color but I want it to alternate. Can this be done?


  • Yes you can set up a style inside the JRXML file like this:

    <style name="Zebra" mode="Transparent">
            <conditionExpression><![CDATA[$V{REPORT_COUNT}%2 == 1]]></conditionExpression>
            <style backcolor="#CAC5BB"/>

    and add it to your report elements like this:

    <reportElement style="Zebra" mode="Opaque" x="1" y="1" width="554" height="20"/>

    You cannot add conditional styles to style template files (e.g., .jrtx files).