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androidandroid-ndk, include all cpp files

I'm trying to build an Android project using the ndk, but I have run into some troubles.

Here's the file that works:

LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

LOCAL_MODULE    := mylib
LOCAL_CFLAGS    := -Werror
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := main.cpp, Screen.cpp, ScreenManager.cpp  
LOCAL_LDLIBS    := -llog


Is there a way that allows me to specify all the *.cpp files in the directory, without listing them manually under LOCAL_SRC_FILES?

So far I tried using LOCAL_SRC_FILES = $(wildcard *.cpp), but it did now work, it seems that no files get selected.


  • You could try something like this...

    FILE_LIST := $(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/[DIRECTORY]/*.cpp)

    ... Change [DIRECTORY] to the actual directory of the files. If they are in the same directory as your .mk file then remove that part. Create the FILE_LIST variable to find all of the .cpp files under the [DIRECTORY] directory. Then use it in the file listing. The LOCAL_SRC_FILES line will then remove the LOCAL_PATH from the listing.