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Excel process remains open after interop; traditional method not working

I'm running into an issue with some code I'm debugging. Excel interop is used to extract some values from a workbook; however, Excel remains open after the program has exited. I've tried the traditional solution, but it still keeps a reference to Excel open on all machines where the code is run

private void TestExcel()
        Excel.Application excel = new Excel.Application();
        Excel.Workbooks books = excel.Workbooks;
        Excel.Workbook book = books.Open("C:\\test.xlsm");



Even this simple piece of code keeps the process running with multiple files (xlsm, xlsx, xls). Right now we have a workaround in place to kill the Excel processes we've opened, but I'd much rather get this working for my own sanity.

I should add that I have it narrowed down to the Workbook variable. If I remove the call to books.Open() and all references to book then it closes successfully.


  • This has worked successfully for me:

            //release all memory - stop EXCEL.exe from hanging around.
            if (xlWorkBook != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlWorkBook); } //release each workbook like this
            if (xlWorkSheet != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlWorkSheet); } //release each worksheet like this
            if (xlApp != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlApp); } //release the Excel application
            xlWorkBook = null; //set each memory reference to null.
            xlWorkSheet = null;
            xlApp = null;