I have just discovered a variable name that is misspelled. If it were hidden away in the depths of code, that would be fine, but this variable name ends up in a configuration that is stored with visibility to the customer. It's really not a big deal, but I wonder if there is a way to avoid it?
In this case the variable name is a compound word, which I won't reproduce here due to NDA, but imagine it was something like "confirmationRecieved" (the i and e are flipped). Can anyone recommend a code spellchecker that would catch something like this?
If you are using Visual Studio, you can activate Code Analysis.
Code Analysis provides several means to validate you code, not only for typos or mispellings, but also for design and quality.
One of the default analysis is CA1704 : Identifiers should be spelled correctly.
If you're not using Visual Studio, but using .NET you can still use FxCop, which performs the same task as Code Analysis, without the IDE integration.
You can find more about Code Analysis here and about FxCop here.