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(Cocos2D) Detect which CCScene is showing?

Is it possible to detect which CCScene is currently showing on the scene? I have 2 CCScenes in my game and I want a certain action to occur if one is showing.

Also quick related question, if I wanted to check if a CCMenu is not showing currently would I do something like

    if (!menu) { 
    //Menu is not showing currently

I am a bit of a noob when it comes to Cocos2D so please forgive me :)



  • You can use the CCDirector to tell which scene is running.

    [[CCDirector sharedDirector] runningScene];

    As for whether the menu is showing. You would have to check with the parent of the menu. If the parent where your CCLayer, then you could check by

    // assume menu is set up to have tag kMenuTag
    CCMenu * menu = [self getChildByTag:kMenuTag];

    If the menu is child of some other node, you can get the parent through a similar method and get a reference to the menu.

    If the menu == nil, it is not showing.


    In cocos2d, you are discouraged from keeping references to all of your sprites, instead you should be giving each node a unique tag and use that to reference it. To achieve your first goal, you can give your scene a tag in your 2 respective CCLayer classes.

    You can set up your unique tags in an enum in a file called Tags.h, then import that into any classes that need access to your tags

    Example Tags.h

    enum {  
        kScene1Tag = 0,  
        kScene2Tag = 1,  
        kMenuTag = 2};

    Then in your layer class

    +(id) scene
        // 'scene' is an autorelease object.
        CCScene *scene = [CCScene node];
        scene.tag = kScene1Tag;
        // 'layer' is an autorelease object.
        HelloWorld *layer = [HelloWorld node];
        // add layer as a child to scene
        [scene addChild: layer];
        // return the scene
        return scene;

    Now when you grab the current scene you can check against the tags

    int currentSceneTag = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] runningScene].tag;
    if (currentSceneTag == kScene1Tag) {
    } else if (currentSceneTag == kScene2Tag) {

    The tag property is from CCNode which is the base class of CCLayer, CCScene, CCSprite, CCMenu...