Search code examples

SOLR sort by IN Query

I was wondering if it is possible to sort by the order that you request documents from SOLR. I am running a In based query and would just like SOLR to return them based on the order that I ask.

In (4,2,3,1) should return me documents ordered 4,2,3,1.



  • You need Sorting in solr, to order them by field.

    I assume that "In based query" means something like: fetch docs whose fieldx has values in (val1,val2). You can a field as multi-valued field and facet on that field. A facet query is a 'is in' search, out of the box (so to say) and it can do more sophisticated searches too.

    Edited on OP's query:

    Updating a document with a multi-valued field in JSON here. See the line

    "my_multivalued_field": [ "aaa", "bbb" ]   /* use an array for a multi-valued field */

    As for doing a facet query, check this.

    You need to do one or more fq statements:

    &fq=field1:[400 to 500]

    Also do read up on the fact (in link above) that you need to facet on stored rather than indexed fields.