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How do I get value from ACE editor?

I am using ACE editor for the first time. I have the below questions related to it.

  1. How do I find the instance of ACE editor on the page? I don't want to maintain a global variable which will hold the editor instance. I need to find its instance on demand.

  2. How to get and set its value?

I am open for suggestions for any better editor than ACE editor which will support almost all types of language/markup/css etc and highly integrated with jQuery.


  • Per their API:


    <div id="aceEditor" style="height: 500px; width: 500px">some text</div>

    Finding an instance:

    var editor = ace.edit("aceEditor");

    Getting/Setting Values:

    var code = editor.getValue();
    editor.setValue("new code here");

    Based on my experience, Ace is the best code editor I've seen. There are few others such as CodeMirror etc. but I found them to be less useful or difficult to integrate than Ace.

    Here's a Wiki page for comparision of such editors.

    There is a paid one also which I haven't tried (and I can't remember for now). Will updated later if I can find it.