I have a file that keeps appending the following xml. What I want to get from into a variable is the percentComplete from the jobStatus. How would I get that? Not sure how to parse the xml. I tried using XMLStarlet but failed. I want to get the percentComplete in a variable that I can use in the shell.
<batchStatus name="" submissionTime="1/23/12 10:00:26 AM" sentBy="mike"
timeElapsed="43 second(s)" timeRemaining="4 minute(s)" timeElapsedSeconds="43"
timeRemainingSeconds="294" percentComplete="12" resumePercentComplete="0"
status="Processing" batchid="FD66DC21-6AA4-47FB-A3F0-7300C7BDAB8A" /batchStatus>
<jobStatus name="file.mov" submissionTime="1/23/12 10:00:26 AM" sentBy="mike"
jobType="Compressor" priority="HighPriority" timeElapsed="43 second(s)"
timeRemaining="4 minute(s)" timeElapsedSeconds="43" timeRemainingSeconds="294"
percentComplete="12" resumePercentComplete="0" status="Processing: Transcoding"
batchid="FD66DC21-6AA4-47FB-A3F0-7300C7BDAB8A" /jobStatus>
You can try something like this -
var=$(awk -v FS="[ =\"]" '/^<jobStatus/,/\/jobStatus>$/{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i~/percentComplete/) print $(i+2)}' file | tail -n 1)
[jaypal:~/Temp] echo $var