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Can I display the list of all the system objects (semaphores, queues...) in VxWorks?

I would like to know what semaphores, messageQueues, etc... are active in my vxWorks 6.x system. I have access to this information via the debugger, but I would like access to it from the shell.

Is there a way?


  • VxWorks 6.x provides a function called classShow() which will list all the objects of a specific class (e.g. semaphores, message queues, tasks, ...). The following call will give you a list of objects for a given class:

    classShow(objClassIdGet(classId), 1) 
    The classId types are:
      1  windSemClass,       /* Wind native semaphore */
      2  windSemPxClass,     /* POSIX semaphore */
      3  windMsgQClass,      /* Wind native message queue */
      4  windMqPxClass,      /* POSIX message queue */
      5  windRtpClass,       /* real time process */
      6  windTaskClass,      /* task */
      7  windWdClass,        /* watchdog */
      8  windFdClass,        /* file descriptor */
      9  windPgPoolClass,    /* page pool */
      10 windPgMgrClass,     /* page manager */
      11 windGrpClass,       /* group */
      12 windVmContextClass, /* virtual memory context */
      13 windTrgClass,       /* trigger */
      14 windMemPartClass,   /* memory partition */
      15 windI2oClass,       /* I2O */
      16 windDmsClass,       /* device management system */
      17 windSetClass,       /* Set */
      18 windIsrClass,       /* ISR object */
      19 windTimerClass,     /* Timer services */
      20 windSdClass,        /* Shared data region */
      21 windPxTraceClass,   /* POSIX trace */