I have a very simple admin controller in my Rails 2 app that displays all the records for a model read-only:
class Admin::InspectionsController < ApplicationController
active_scaffold :inspections do |config|
[:create, :update, :delete].each {|a| config.actions.exclude a}
config.actions.exclude :nested
I wish to make these model objects editable, but only if they are in a certain state (ie, before they've been approved). I can do this for all Inspections
by removing :update from the exclusions list, but I don't want to enable editing wholesale.
Is there a way to specify conditional actions to ActiveScaffold?
I think you are looking for this: https://github.com/activescaffold/active_scaffold/wiki/Security. Head down to 'Model Methods: Restricting Anything Else'
Long story short, you enable all actions, and then add methods to your model definition to toggle said actions for each record, as described in the link.