I am using MKNetwork
, to handle the Networking functionality of my application.
I am trying to read a JSON file, and save its content to a NSDictionary
NSDictionary *valueDic = [[completedOperation responseJSON] objectForKey:@"value"];
The above code (responseJSON
)works for iOS 5 and above. i need it to work for iOS 4 too.
The author of this framework says the following; (see the comments section in this post)
Subclass MKNO and override that method and call
[super responseJSON] for iOS5 and return JSONKit(or equivalent) based dictionary for other versions
I have no clue how to implement this, Can someone please help me. I have been stuck in this the whole day.
Create a custom subclass of the MKNO an implement the responseJSON Method like:
- (NSDictionary *) responseJSON {
return [ [self responseData] objectFromJSONData];
Don't forget to include "JSONKit.h"
PS: For future projects you should use: ASIHTTPRequest