This is HTML code piece that in my template:
{%load thumbnail%}
<img style="border: 1px solid #53BCB8; padding: 2px;" src="{%thumbnail 'photodir/photo.jpg' 256x256%}" />
And in my
And this is the rendered state of HTML:
<img style="border: 1px solid #53BCB8; padding: 2px;" src="" />
the problem is: in the rendered html, img url does not valid. Trailing slash is missing between "static" and "photodir". How is that happenning and what is the solution? Can anybody explain?
Note: thumbnail
template tag belongs to sorl-thumbnail
Have a look, I created a test project for you. It works like a charm with:
I get /media/cache/77/c6/77c60cc55e126abe02cbe5de48693c80.png as the result. So it seems that your MEDIA_ROOT variable contains a wrong value. Please ensure it has a trailing slash.