Does anyone know of a Webmail Contact List Importer scripts (ColdFusion, PHP etc) like those used on Twitter and LinkedIn ? I've found some but they are paid for and I want some more bespoke & open.
To clarify a little more I'm not looking for a way to process .csv files :) I'm looking for a bit of code that can logging into gmail, yahoo mail, hotmail, aol and pull out the users address book.
Are you actually after a method where a user enters their webmail username and password into your site and then your site goes off and grabs contact details from that account? If so, then it sounds like a can of worms to me, and is something that our very own Mr Atwood blogged about a while back.
I'd go with something along the lines of Evgeniy's answer.
(I would have just commented on the question but my woeful rep prevents me...)
(Edited to include the link to Jeff's blog now that I'm allowed)