Search code examples

Unable to have two-word-search in Zsh's TAB completion for Man

Problem: to have a tab completion which takes two words and calculates the best match from them for Man, and then returns the best matches

Example: The following pseudo-code should give me at least Zsh's reverse-menu-complete -command. Right now, I cannot search manuals inside manuals without zgrep.

man zsh:reverse <TAB>

where ":" is the separator which I want.

Initial Problem: Which files does the TAB completion run when I press TAB for one word in searching manuals by Zsh?


  • I will attempt to provide an insight to how zsh completion system works and an incomplete go at this problem.

    The file that runs when you use TAB completion for man in zsh is located under the /usr/share/zsh/${ZSH_VERSION}/functions directory. The tree varies across distributions, but the file is named _man, and provides completion for man, apropos and whatis.

    After _man is invoked, it works as following (rough description):

    1. if completing for man and --local-file was specified as first flag, invoke standard files completion (_files)
    2. construct manpath variable from a set of defaults / $MANPATH. This is where the manpages will be searched
    3. determine if we invoked man with a section number parameter, if yes - only those sections will be searched
    4. if the zstyle ':completion:*:manuals' separate-sections true was used, separate sections in output (don't mix between them)
    5. invoke _man_pages to provide a list of man pages for the match
    6. _man_pages now does a bit of magic with compfiles -p pages '' '' "$matcher" '' dummy '*'. pages is the variable with all the directories containing manpages for requested section(s). The actual globbing pattern is constructed from the implicit parameter $PREFIX and the last parameter to compfiles - * in this case. This results in /usr/share/man/man1 to be transformed into /usr/share/man/man1/foo*
    7. The new list of glob patterns is globbed, obtaining all files which match the pattern
    8. _man_pages then strips any suffixes from the files and adds them to the completion widget list of choices by using compadd

    Now, as you can see, the list of manpages is directly determined by $PREFIX variable. In order to make zsh:foo to list only man pages of zsh* which contain the word foo, it needs to be split across : character (if any).

    The following addition in _man_pages partially solve the issue (zsh 4.3.4):


    _man_pages() {
      local matcher pages dummy sopt
      zparseopts -E M+:=matcher
      if (( $#matcher )); then
        matcher=( ${matcher:#-M} )
      pages=( ${(M)dirs:#*$sect/} )
      compfiles -p pages '' '' "$matcher" '' dummy '*'
      pages=( ${^~pages}(N:t) )
      (($#mrd)) && pages[$#pages+1]=($(awk $awk $mrd))
      # Remove any compression suffix, then remove the minimum possible string
      # beginning with .<->: that handles problem cases like files called
      # `POSIX.1.5'.
      [[ $OSTYPE = solaris* ]] && sopt='-s '
      if ((CURRENT > 2)) ||
          ! zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:manuals.$sect" insert-sections
        compadd "$@" - ${pages%.(?|<->*(|.gz|.bz2|.Z))}
        compadd "$@" -P "$sopt$sect " - ${pages%.(?|<->*(|.gz|.bz2|.Z))}

    Modified (look for ##mod comments):

    _man_pages() {
      local matcher pages dummy sopt
      zparseopts -E M+:=matcher
      if (( $#matcher )); then
        matcher=( ${matcher:#-M} )
      pages=( ${(M)dirs:#*$sect/} )
      # split components by the ":" character
      local pref_words manpage_grep orig_prefix
      # save original prefix (just in case)
      # split $PREFIX by ':' and make it an array
      pref_words=${PREFIX//:/ }
      set -A pref_words ${=pref_words}
      # if there are both manpage name and grep string, use both
      if (( $#pref_words == 2 )); then
          # PREFIX is used internally by compfiles
      elif (( $#pref_words == 1 )) && [[ ${PREFIX[1,1]} == ":" ]]; then
          # otherwise, prefix is empty and only grep string exists
      compfiles -p pages '' '' "$matcher" '' dummy '*'
      ##mod: complete, but don't strip path names
      pages=( ${^~pages} )
      (($#mrd)) && pages[$#pages+1]=($(awk $awk $mrd))
      ##mod: grep pages
      # Build a list of matching pages that pass the grep
      local matching_pages
      typeset -a matching_pages
      # manpage_grep exists and not empty 
      if (( ${#manpage_grep} > 0 )); then
          for p in ${pages}; do
              zgrep "${manpage_grep}" $p > /dev/null
              if (( $? == 0 )); then
                  #echo "$p matched $manpage_grep"
      # there's no manpage_grep, so all pages match
          matching_pages=( ${pages} )
      #echo "\nmatching manpages: "${matching_pages}
      pages=( ${matching_pages}(N:t) )
      # keep the stripped prefix for now
      # Remove any compression suffix, then remove the minimum possible string
      # beginning with .<->: that handles problem cases like files called
      # `POSIX.1.5'.
      [[ $OSTYPE = solaris* ]] && sopt='-s '
      if ((CURRENT > 2)) ||
          ! zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:manuals.$sect" insert-sections
        compadd "$@" - ${pages%.(?|<->*(|.gz|.bz2|.Z))}
        compadd "$@" -P "$sopt$sect " - ${pages%.(?|<->*(|.gz|.bz2|.Z))}

    However, it's still not fully working (if you uncomment the #echo "$p matched $manpage_grep" line, you can see that it does build the list) - I suspect that somewhere internally, the completion system sees that, for instance, "zshcompctl" is not matched by prefix "zsh:foo", and does not display the resulting matches. I've tried to keep $PREFIX as it is after stripping the grep string, but it still does not want to work.

    At any rate, this at least should get you started.