VB6 doesn't appear to make it that easy to store +infinity, -infinity and NaN into double vars. It would help if it could so that I could do comparisons with those values in the context of complex numbers. How?
A few different things. As you can see from Pax's example, you really just need to look up the IEEE 754 standard and then plug your bytes into the right places. The only caution I would give you is that MicroSoft has deprecated RtlMoveMemory due to it's potential for creating security issues of the overflow type. As an alternative you can accomplish this in "pure" VB with a little careful coercion using User Defined Types and LSet. (Also note that there are two types of NaN.)
Option Explicit
Public Enum abIEEE754SpecialValues
End Enum
Private Type TypedDouble
value As Double
End Type
Private Type ByteDouble
value(7) As Byte
End Type
Public Sub Example()
MsgBox GetIEEE754SpecialValue(abDoubleMax)
End Sub
Public Function GetIEEE754SpecialValue(ByVal value As abIEEE754SpecialValues) As Double
Dim dblRtnVal As Double
Select Case value
Case abIEEE754SpecialValues.abInfinityPos
dblRtnVal = BuildDouble(byt6:=240, byt7:=127)
Case abIEEE754SpecialValues.abInfinityNeg
dblRtnVal = BuildDouble(byt6:=240, byt7:=255)
Case abIEEE754SpecialValues.abNaNQuiet
dblRtnVal = BuildDouble(byt6:=255, byt7:=255)
Case abIEEE754SpecialValues.abNaNSignalling
dblRtnVal = BuildDouble(byt6:=248, byt7:=255)
Case abIEEE754SpecialValues.abDoubleMax
dblRtnVal = BuildDouble(255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 239, 127)
Case abIEEE754SpecialValues.abDoubleMin
dblRtnVal = BuildDouble(255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 239, 255)
End Select
GetIEEE754SpecialValue = dblRtnVal
End Function
Public Function BuildDouble( _
Optional byt0 As Byte = 0, _
Optional byt1 As Byte = 0, _
Optional byt2 As Byte = 0, _
Optional byt3 As Byte = 0, _
Optional byt4 As Byte = 0, _
Optional byt5 As Byte = 0, _
Optional byt6 As Byte = 0, _
Optional byt7 As Byte = 0 _
) As Double
Dim bdTmp As ByteDouble, tdRtnVal As TypedDouble
bdTmp.value(0) = byt0
bdTmp.value(1) = byt1
bdTmp.value(2) = byt2
bdTmp.value(3) = byt3
bdTmp.value(4) = byt4
bdTmp.value(5) = byt5
bdTmp.value(6) = byt6
bdTmp.value(7) = byt7
LSet tdRtnVal = bdTmp
BuildDouble = tdRtnVal.value
End Function
One last side note, you can also get NaN this way:
Public Function GetNaN() As Double
On Error Resume Next
GetNaN = 0 / 0
End Function