I have a Model User from Devise with that relations:
# Relationships
references_many :houses, :dependent => :delete
Now I have a Model House created with scaffold:
# Relationships
referenced_in :user, :inverse_of => :houses
embeds_many :deals
Now I have a Model Deal with this relations:
embedded_in :house, :inverse_of => :deals
In my routes.rb I have:
resources :houses do
resources :deals
When I try get the user that make the deal in console:
ruby-1.9.2-p180 :009 > User.first.deals.first
I get the next error:
Mongoid::Errors::MixedRelations: Referencing a(n) Deal document from the User document via a relational association is not allowed since the Deal is embedded.
With the information you provided, an user is not directly related to a deal.
It seems that you tried to do :
class User
references_many :houses, :dependent => :delete
references_many :deals
class Deal
embedded_in :house
referenced_in :user
As your Deals are embedded into Houses, you can't access them directly from Users through a relation. It is a known limitation of Mongoid.
You can use :
@houses_that_match = House.where("deals.user_id" => @user.id)
@deals = []
@houses_that_match.each do |house|
@deals += house.deals.select { |deal| deal.user == @user }