How to connect to XML-RPC Api from c# ,
A client can interact with a Pandorabot by POST'ing to: The form variables the client needs to POST are:
botid - see H.1 above. input - what you want said to the bot. custid - an ID to track the conversation with a particular customer. This variable is optional. If you don't send a value Pandorabots will return a custid attribute value in the element of the returned XML. Use this in subsequent POST's to continue a conversation.
How to call?
This should get you going:
public void Talk()
string xmlResult = null;
Result result = null; // Result declared at the end
string botId = "c49b63239e34d1"; // enter your botid
string talk = "Am I a human?";
string custId = null; // (or a value )
using (var wc = new WebClient())
var col = new NameValueCollection();
col.Add("botid", botId);
col.Add("input", talk);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(custId))
col.Add("custid", custId);
byte[] xmlResultBytes = wc.UploadValues(
xmlResult = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(xmlResultBytes);
result = Result.GetInstance(xmlResultBytes);
//raw result
// use the Result class
if (result.status == 0) // no error
Console.WriteLine("{0} -> {1}",
result.input, result.that);
else // error
Console.WriteLine("Error: {0} : {1}",
result.input, result.message);
public class Result
static XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Result) , "");
public Result()
public static Result GetInstance(byte[] bytes)
return (Result)ser.Deserialize(new MemoryStream(bytes));
public int status { get; set; }
public string botid { get; set; }
public string custid { get; set; }
public string input { get; set; }
public string that { get; set; }
public string message { get; set; }