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How to change CheckedListBox item vertical space

I need to change the vertical space for CheckedListBox items so they fit with the text boxes on the other side:

CheckedListBox and "TextBox"s side to side How to do this ?

After doing some research I found out that CheckedListBox inherits ListBox, so it must have its public property ItemHeight, but for some reason it doesn't

I tried this :

ListBox l = CheckedList as ListBox;
        l.ItemHeight = 30;

but it didn't work


  • The default implementation of ItemHeight property of CheckedListBox is,

    public override int ItemHeight { 
            get {
                // this should take FontHeight + buffer into Consideration.
                return Font.Height + 2;
            set {

    you can cleanly override this property in a new class.

    public sealed class  MyListBox:CheckedListBox
            public MyListBox()
                ItemHeight = 30;
            public override int ItemHeight { get; set; }

    this should allow you to set your own ItemHeight.

    enter image description here