I have a quick question regarding the creation of absolute URLs within a symfony task. Basically I have the following:
* This function returns the link to a route
* @param $context context from which to create the config from
* @param $routingText this contains the text to be routed
* @param $object if we are generating an object route we need to pass the object
* @param boolean $absolute - whether to generate an absolute path
* @return string
public static function getUrlFromContext($routingText, $object = null, $application = null, $debug = false,
$absolute = false, $htmlSuffix=true)
$currentApplication = sfConfig::get('sf_app');
$currentEnvironment = sfConfig::get('sf_environment');
$context = sfContext::getInstance();
$switchedContext = false;
if (!is_null($application) && $context->getConfiguration()->getApplication() != $application)
$configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration($application, $currentEnvironment,
$routing = sfContext::createInstance($configuration)->getRouting();
$switchedContext = true;
$routing = $context->getRouting();
if (is_object($object))
$route = $routing->generate($routingText, $object, $absolute);
$route = $routing->generate($routingText, null, $absolute);
if ($switchedContext)
if (strcasecmp($application, 'frontend') == 0 && strcasecmp($currentEnvironment, 'prod') == 0)
$route = preg_replace("!/{$currentApplication}(_{$currentEnvironment})?\.php!", $application, $route);
$route = preg_replace("/$currentApplication/", $application, $route);
return $route;
This allows me to create a URL for any application simply by toggling the context. The big problem I'm having is when creating absolute URLs in a symfony task. When creating a route in a task I am getting the following:
My assumption is that symfony is trying to guess the domain name from the referrer, which when using symfony tasks is non-existent.
The URL is supposed to look like this:
Has anyone been able to create a route which represents an absolute URL from a symfony task? If so have you also encountered this problem, how did you manage to overcome it?
The documentation answers this question. It's enough to edit the factories.yml configuration file:
class: sfPatternRouting
generate_shortest_url: true
extra_parameters_as_query_string: true
host: example.org