Whenever I try to create a new QWebView, the post-build error is
QWidget: Must construct a QApplication before a QPaintDevice
why is this happening?
Yes, i did add QT += webkit
to the pro file, and it says here
In qwtconfig.pri
CONFIG += QwtDll this line must be ->
#CONFIG += QwtDll
where is qtwconfig.pri?
FWI i'm on a static build
Here is main()
#include "MyWidget.h"
#include <QPlastiqueStyle>
#include <QtPlugin>
#include <QtWebKit/QWebView>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
app.setStyle(new QPlastiqueStyle);
MyWidget widget;
QWebView w;
return app.exec();
The documentation mentions Webkit may not work as a static library.
From the Platform and Compiler Notes page:
WebKit is only supported as a dynamically built library. Static linkage is not supported.
Try dynamic linking instead.