I'm trying to read a different Inbox for another account with one user. So if I'm user Bob and I have access to mailboxes bob@domain.com
I want to use Outlook Redemptions to read the alerts@domain.com mailbox.
Currently I have it set up like so:
rdoDefaultFolders olFolderInbox = rdoDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox;
Session = new RDOSession();
RDOFolder objFolder;
Session.LogonExchangeMailbox(outLookUser, outLookServer);
objFolder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox);
But this gives me the default inbox folder for bob@domain.com. I need the other inbox for alerts@domain.com.
However I want something like
Session.LogonExchangeMailbox(outLookUser, outLookServer, outLookMailBox)
where outLookMailBox is something like the mailbox name or another inbox folder name in my current outlook session.
I'm hoping someone out there knows what I'm talking about because I've been at this for hours!
Well call me dumb but it turns out when you call Session.LogonExchangeMailbox(outLookUser, outLookServer, outLookMailBox)
you can actually use a mailbox domain OR a username
. The documentation was quite hard to find but eventually found it here: