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jQuery clone( ) to simulate shadow effect on IE7? (Or better ideas)?

Can someone please help me with the jquery's clone() function?

Is there a way to duplicate a list (but only top level lis) and append it to itself. I want to make it look a shadow of the actual list because IE7 doesn't support shadows. I did try a few plug-ins but none worked perfectly, so I thought this might be a better way.

eg. I want to generate a clone of the following but only top level


to generate another list without the sublevels.


I tried

$('ul li').clone().appendTo('ul li');   

but it gives a huge copy.



    My solution (instead of trying to select top level LI's, I make <span> necessary for effect).


    <ul class="top">


    $('ul>li').each(function(i, e){
        var cloned = $(e).find('span').clone();
        $(e).append( cloned.addClass('li-shadow') );

    CSS {position: relative;}
    li {position: relative;}
    li span {position: relative; z-index: 10; display: block; }
    .li-shadow { color: rgb(130,130,130); position: absolute; top: 1px; left: 1px; z-index: 5; }