I've recently installed mongodb on my CentOS 6 VM running on Vagrant.
I added port forwarding to Vagrantfile to forward the mongo port
config.vm.forward_port 27017, 127017
I configured mongod to start automatically when the server starts and have confirmed that the service starts as intended.
however when i run mongo localhost:127017
from my host machine (not vagrant) i get the following error
MongoDB shell version: 1.8.2
connecting to: localhost:127017/test
Fri Jan 20 13:58:28 getaddrinfo("") failed: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
Fri Jan 20 13:58:28 Error shell/mongo.js:81
exception: connect failed
any ideas?
TCP port numbers are 16-bit unsigned, which mean the max value is 65535 (2^16), and you're trying with 127017.