On Azure I can get 3 extra small instances for the price 1 small.I'm not worried about my site not scaling.
Are there any other reasons I should not go for 3 extra small instead of 1 small?
See: Azure pricing calculator.
An Extra Small instance is limited to approx. 5Mbps bandwidth on the NIC (vs. approx. 100Mbps per core with Small, Medium, Large, and XL), and has less than 1GB of RAM. So, let's say you're running something that's very storage-intensive. You could run into bottlenecks accessing SQL Azure or Windows Azure storage.
With RAM: If you're running 3rd-party apps, such as MongoDB, you'll likely run into memory issues.
From a scalability standpoint, you're right that you can spread the load across 2 or 3 Extra Small instances, and you'll have a good SLA. Just need to make sure your memory and bandwidth are good enough for your performance targets.
For more details on exact specs for each instance size, including NIC bandwidth, see this MSDN article.