I'm trying to get data from a namespaced xml file in a flex app. There is a root namespace (xmlns="blah") and another namespace (xmlns:i="blah"), and I'm able to access most tags using the following:
var ns:Namespace = doc.namespace();
var result:XMLList = doc.ns::element;
However, there are several tags that are subject to change in the application, and i'd like to not hardcode them, possibly using the elements method:
var result:XMLList = doc.elements(configuredField);
Is there a way to get elements with namespaces using the elements method, or a similar way to get XML elements in flex using a parameter?
If I understand you, you can get nodes by using dynamic properties ([ ] notation).
var x:XML=
<root xmlns:i="testNS">
var elemName:String="elem2";
var ns:Namespace=x.namespace("i");
var tags:*=x.ns::[elemName]; //will contain all "elem2" tags in "i" namespace