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CMS that uses s3 for a data store?

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about a DAM (Digital Asset Manager) that uses S3 as a data store? I would like the following features:

  1. Asset stored in S3 (or some other cloud storage)
  2. The ability to 'tag' the assets
  3. Use a CDN (such as Cloudfront or Akamai) to deliver the assets

This can be a solution in any language, but PHP/Ruby on Rails are preferred if it is a web based solution. I understand rolling my own with Paperclip/CarrierWave and acts-as-taggable-on, but I am looking for some input!


EDIT: I want to change the requirements. I am not looking for a CMS, I am looking for a DAM (Digital Asset Manager). Thanks!


  • I recomment Wordpress with an S3 plugin.