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Define rules for AllegroGraph triples and how to apply them

I'm using AllegroGraph to store statement like this:

<newsid1  hasAnnotation  Gamma>
<newsid1  hasAnnotation Beta>

I would like to define a rule on this staments that says: if the subject newsid1 hasAnnotation either Gamma or Beta, then add a new statement in the triplestore that says that the subject hasAnnotation Theta, i.e. the statement

<newsid1  hasAnnotation Theta>

My questions are the following:

  1. How I can define such a rule for Allegro?
  2. How can I apply these rules over the statements?


  • 1) You can define use Prolog functors to define these rules. In your case you will define.

    ;; Functors to add triples.
    (<-- (a-- ?s ?p ?o)
    ;; Fails unless all parts ground.
    (lispp (not (get-triple :s ?s :p ?p :o ?o)))
    (lisp (add-triple ?s ?p ?o)))
    ;; Functors to seek news that should have theta annotation
    (<-- (shouldHaveAnnotationTheta ?news)  
    (q- ?news !namespace:hasAnnotation !"Gamma"))
    (<- (shouldHaveAnnotationTheta ?news)  
    (q- ?news !namespace:hasAnnotation !"Beta"))

    2) Run then the following prolog query (using the AGview for exemple) to add these news statements

    (select (?news)
    (shouldHaveAnnotationTheta ?news)
    (a-- ?news !namespace:hasAnnotation !"Theta")

    You can read the following documents to understand this code :