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Do I have to use "xxforms:evaluate" in action-loops to use iterator?

I had a problem with updating instance structure which contains repeating nodes. I wanted to use <action while=""/> construction but there was a problem using defined iterator inside this loop. Eventually it always used one value (first one) even though it was incremented. I resolved this problem by using xxforms:evaluate function thus I have:


instead of simpler


Is this the only way to iterate across the list of nodes inside an action?


<html xmlns=""
    <xf:model id="model">
      <xf:instance id="main" xmlns="">
            <name />
            <name />
            <name />
      <xf:instance id="temp" xmlns="">
          <value>inserted node</value>

      <xf:bind id="idx" nodeset="instance('temp')/idx" type="xsd:integer" />

      <xf:label>Not working as expected</xf:label>
      <xf:action ev:event="DOMActivate">
        <xf:setvalue bind="idx" value="1" />
        <xf:action while="number(xxforms:bind('idx')) le count(instance('main')/item)">
          <xf:insert context="instance('main')/item[xxforms:bind('idx')]" nodeset="name" position="after" origin="instance('temp')/value" if="not(exists(value))" />
          <xf:setvalue bind="idx" value=". + 1" />

      <xf:label>Working as expected but too complicated</xf:label>
      <xf:action ev:event="DOMActivate">
        <xf:setvalue bind="idx" value="1" />
        <xf:action while="number(xxforms:bind('idx')) le count(instance('main')/item)">
          <xf:insert context="xxforms:evaluate(concat('instance(''main'')/item[',xxforms:bind('idx'),']'))" nodeset="name" position="after" origin="instance('temp')/value" if="not(exists(value))" />
          <xf:setvalue bind="idx" value=". + 1" />
    <widget:xforms-instance-inspector id="orbeon-xforms-inspector" xmlns:widget="" />

So I get as a result (first trigger):

    <value>inserted node</value>

but expected (second trigger):

    <value>inserted node</value>
    <value>inserted node</value>
    <value>inserted node</value>


  • Here is a version that works:

    <xf:action ev:event="DOMActivate">
        <xf:setvalue bind="idx" value="1"/>
        <xf:action while="xs:integer(xxforms:bind('idx')) le count(instance('main')/item)">
            <xf:insert context="instance('main')/item[xs:integer(xxforms:bind('idx'))]" nodeset="name" position="after"
                       origin="instance('temp')/value" if="not(exists(value))"/>
            <xf:setvalue bind="idx" value=". + 1"/>

    The issue is that xxforms:bind('idx') returns an untyped value, even through you specified xsd:integer. XForms currently doesn't specify that type annotations on binds must cause a typed value to be provided (see these notes on type annotation). This means that in this case, the predicate value is not a number (XPath has both boolean and numeric predicates, and this is often a source of confusion). In order to make it a numeric predicate, converting to a number is needed.

    Here I use xs:integer as number is kind of an XPath 1 legacy function, and it returns an xs:double while the count() function returns an xs:integer).

    There is much simpler solution with xxforms:iterate:

    <xf:action ev:event="DOMActivate" xxforms:iterate="item">
        <xf:insert if="not(exists(value))"

    iterate is currently an extension, but XForms 2 will add it.