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How best to sanitize fields in ruby on rails

I currently have a controller capturing some html from TinyMCE on the front end. If I tinker with firebug it is possible to submit script tags and inject alert messages etc on to the screen.

edit: Currently I am fixing this in the model by using the sanitize helper:

require 'action_view'

class NotesController < AuthApplicationController

  include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper
  def update
    params[:note][:content] = sanitize(params[:note][:content],
        :tags => %w(a object p param h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 br hr ul li img),
        :attributes => %w(href name src type value width height data) );


This feels messy in the controller. Is there a better way? I.e. somehow integrate this ActiveRecord so I can easily specify to do this to this and other fields before saving in a similar way to validation?

Thanks for any suggestions.


Making some progress here.

Under my /Libs I have

module SanitizeUtilities
  def sanitize_tiny_mce(field)
      :tags => %w(a b i strong em p param h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 br hr ul li img),
      :attributes => %w(href name src type value width height data) );

Then in my Models the code collapses to

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
  include ::SanitizeUtilities
  before_save :sanitize_content
  def sanitize_content
    self.content = sanitize_tiny_mce(self.content)


This seems to strip out unwanted markup without too much fuss.

Pretty new to rails so nervous I might be doing something wrong. Can anybody see potential drawbacks here?

Thanks again


  • I think the way you are doing it is fine, but if you are using before_save then you could potentially still fail validations (since before_save is called after validations). Also, you don't necessarily have to put it into it's own module, it could just be a private method on your class.

    Something like:

    class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
      before_validation :sanitize_content, :on => :create
        def sanitize_content
          self.content = sanitize_tiny_mce(self.content)
        def sanitize_tiny_mce(field)
            :tags => %w(a b i strong em p param h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 br hr ul li img),
            :attributes => %w(href name src type value width height data) );